After a good deal of planning and consideration, it’s time to finally get the print shoppe up and running on  This will only include Fine Art, Giclée photographic prints for now, including some Limited Edition runs.  For the Journeyer Patrons and above, you will be receiving active discount codes once the store goes live.  

Admittedly, I’ve been getting a little ahead of myself in getting very excited about printing. I love paper media. When I say love it, I mean LOVE it. I took a little trip down to Glazer’s (our local camera store) this weekend for supplies. I was nearly giddy running my fingers over paper samples- fondling and caressing the fibers of the German made Hahnemühles. These are unquestionably my favourites.  I am unapologetic nerd when it comes to these matters. 

Today, I have been running the necessary to tests and maintenance to get the studio printer up and running. In printers like mine, the print heads will require cleaning when disused after a surprisingly short amount of time and so require some standard processes, manual, and chemical processes to clean them again for use. While it can be a bit of an investment in terms of ink usage, it’s also quite gratifying to watch a steady improvement in performance. This was a nice change of pace after spending the past couple of days working on web design and research. That said, it’s back to work on launch. 

Requests are welcome in terms of content for prints. For now I’m starting with some of my favourites from the portfolio to keep launch simple. What would you most like to see on your walls: travel, abstracts, something else? 

I will also be working to update here more often- as I’ve been shamefully behind in doing so.  Watch this space!  Thank you for coming along for the ride. 

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